What is Qualibet? What does Qualibet do?

Qualibet Testing Services stands for “Quality is Better.” It offers third-party testing .It tests water either for drinking or home use in schools, homes or condominiums for bacterial contamination’s, cosmetics for lead and other heavy metals, unregistered BFAD drugs or medicines and shelf life, It also tests nutrition facts in food products and also environmental monitoring.

Does Qualibet have the testing equipment and facilities to peform the tests?

Yes, Qualibet has modern testing equipment and facilities. As a testing laboratory, Qualibet boasts of the most modern testing facility in the Philippines and is managed by US-trained chemists, pharmacists and microbiologists. The firm is a member of the American Chemical Society and the American Association of Analytical Chemists. Its testing laboratory is recognized by various government agencies. It also conscientiously complies with good laboratory practices as it is ISO 17025-certified.

Why is access to clean and safe water important?

Bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella thrive in dirty water.

Using or drinking dirty water causes a lot of sicknesses such as diarrhea and other gastro-intestinal diseases.

What are the usual contaminants or bacteria found in water?

E. coli, fecal coliform, salmonella, as well as heavy metals like lead and arsenic because of industrial wastes seeping into cracked pipeline.

Where do you think access to clean and safe water is relevant?

In schools, because kids spend a lot of time there and they may also become innocent victims of contaminated water and also in our homes since a lot of our activities there involved the use of water. Qualibet works hand in hand in local government units to provide services to public especially for public health.

What does Qualibet do to ensure that this goal of providing clean and safe water is realized?

Consumer awareness and through various cancer awareness groups, rotaries, Lions club and through Local Government Units. Consumers must be informed of the ill effects of contaminated water and how to have access to clean water. Qualibet does its part in providing this knowledge since we believe that “Safety is not the privilege of the rich but the right of every Filipino.”

What makes medicines or drugs safe and effective?

If its potency complies with what is stated in the label and it is safe from bacterial contamination. Even if the medicines are generic or branded, as long as they comply with the formulation, they are safe and effective.

What does Qualibet do to ensure that the pharmaceutical drugs that are sold in the market have complied with the required formulation and are not adulterated and BFAD registered which should have BFAD number and manufacturing and expiry date?

Qualibet tests medicines according to the specification or formulation of the drugs.

Do you determine shelf life of the medicines?

Yes, Qualibet conducts stability test for the shelf life of medicines.

Does Qualibet also tests pharmaceutical and veterinary products for purity content and efficacy and animal feeds for protein, fat and fiber content, aflatoxin and others?

Yes, Qualibet also promotes food safety and security by checking the content of feed to prevent outbreak of diseases.

Does Qualibet believe that it is important for fine dining restaurants and fast-food chains to reveal to customers the ingredients they use in the preparation of their food?

It is not the ingredients per se but we believe they need to show that what they claim is true. If an establishment says their offering is low-fat, fat-free, low-sugar, or sugar-free– It should be that way.

Fast-food chains or fine dining restaurants cannot just claim that they serve fat-free or low-sugar food because of the ingredients but their claims should be validated through tests.

What are trans-fats? What food contain trans-fats?

Trans-fats are formed when liquid oils solidify though partial hydrogenation. It stretches food shelf life yet changes safe unsaturated fat into bad or dangerous fat. Food that contains trans-fats are margarine’s, shortening used in pastries, crackers, chips and cakes or anything fried in hydrogenated fat.

Is it necessary for restaurants to provide healthy food choices for customers?

Yes! To prevent us from acquiring diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, among others especially obesity.

What are the heavy metals used in the production of cosmetics? Why are these harmful to the body?

Lead, arsenic, copper, nickel, cobalt, chromium are just some of the heavy metals that can be present in cosmetics products. Below are the effects of these heavy metals.

  • Lead can be present in lipsticks, kajal, talcum powder and hair colors. It can cause impairment in liver and renal functions and can weaken the immune system. It’s also a proven neuro-toxin, can cause learning and behavioral problems, hepatic injury (breakdown of red blood cells leading to hemoglobin loss), and pregnancy complications such as low birthweight baby, pre-term delivery and poor mental development.
  • Arsenic can be present in lipsticks and hair colors. It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm, blood vessel damage, irritation, inflammation, and ulceration of mucous membranes. It can also decrease production of white and red blood cells.
  • Another heavy metal is copper which can be present in lipsticks and hair colors. It can cause physical and mental fatigue, schizophrenia, depression, mood swings, sleep disorders, arthritis, nausea and vomiting, and increased risk of infections.
  • Lipsticks and hair colors can also contain nickel, cobalt and chromium which can cause asthma, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and oxidative stress.
  • Also, paraben preservatives, which are present in lipsticks and shampoos, can cause eye irritation and neck tissue damage.
Does Qualibet conduct Food Safety and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) training?

Yes, it has already conducted trainings to restaurants and fast-food chains and educational institutions.

Does Qualibet practice corporate social responsibility?

Yes, it practices corporate social responsibility by providing free water testing service in schools. It also reaches out to our less fortunate brothers and sisters like in Golden Acres Home for the Aged and in Reception Study for Children.

Qualibet also cares for the environment. This is exemplified by its practices involving recycling, water circulation system for its quality control division, adaptation of odor and dust collection system and compliance with DENR regulations. It has also been very active in monitoring the shoreline of Donsol, Sorsogon, with the Philippine Coast Guard as it protects its endemic species.